Intexpertise Africa LLC (Intexpertise Africa) is a research and investment consulting company that works in partnership with Intexpertise LLC, a Russian research organization. The main aim of Intexpertise Africa is to provide qualified and objective research and analytical inquiry for the African region, and establish a research and consulting facility that focuses on policy-making and project evaluation in the region.
With contribution of the experts and their networks Inexpertise Africa provides unbiased research and analytics of any enterprise or its branch, or industry. In response to the request from Tanzanian institutions, Intexpertise Africa delivers expert reports.
Intexpertise Africa acts as an independent consultant, contributing to the policies of Tanzania institutions and local businesses, promoting awareness of national industries within the framework of international cooperation and exchange of scientific and operational expertise, determining the basic principles for the sustainable development of the regions, creating and updating customer tailored databases systems.
The Intexpertise Africa LLC Objectives
Objective 1
Analysis and comprehensive research of various markets in Africa, primarily in Tanzania, utilizing our proprietary system for evaluating investment opportunities and risks within the industry
Objective 2
Research and forecast of the global markets and their impact on the development of the Tanzanian economy, macroeconomic and budgetary risks
Objective 3
To carry on business as operators and managers of businesses, enterprises and companies and to participate therein
Objective 4
Promotion of investment opportunities in Tanzania and other countries in the African region, with a focus on creating opportunities for the growth of domestic markets
The Intexpertise Africa News
The Intexpertise Africa Studies
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The list of future research
At the moment the Intexpertise Africa team is carrying out research on the following topics:
Handbook “Tanzania: Prospects and Risks”
Macroeconomic indicators and Tanzania's external debt
Cashew Nut Market Research
Intexpertise LLC
A partner of Inexpertise Africa LLC — Intexpertise LLC — is a Russian think tank focusing on data analysis and research for the international markets. Intexpertise employs their experts from leading organizations of various backgrounds and acts as an integrator of the expertise. Over the past decade, the Intexpertise team has produced more than 100 reports on African matters for major Russian companies.
Get in touch with us for any inquiries, feedback, or support—we're here to help!
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Address: Region DarEs Salaam, District Ubungo, Ward Goba, Postal code 16112, GOBA 4WAYS, FK SQURE BUILDING